Slowbiking crew was part of radaktiv – Der Düsseldorfer Fahrradtag 2014. Beautiful spot near the Rhine. This time we had traditional Slowbiking in combination with the fast Dutch TrialBiker Michel Bos and SlowFood from Bijisabelle. Dutch cheese slow sandwiches witch fresh made pickles & sustainable JuiceBike smoothies banana or pineapple. Hmmmm! We brought also our CycleProducts from our partners and CycleFriends Melon Helmets, Green Guru and HotelFietsBel. Visitors loved the Dutch “Klingel”, UpCycling tubes and the happy helmets.

Thanks all for this sunny CycleFun day: Bij Isabelle,, Coleta Dekker, Cyrelle Failé, Sophie, Jolieke Peters, and the De Sappentrapper


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