Light My Ride 2016 was a GREAT succes. Check out the photos of this colorful event!
The bicycle tour called ‘Light My Ride‘ has become a yearly tradition during the Amsterdam Light Festival. It is a fun bicycle tour in through the city of AMSTERDAM with people and bikes covered in lights. During the tour you’ll see a large part of the light art. It actually will be the last night that all the light art along the Illuminade route can be seen, so what better way to celebrate this last night? So bring and pimp your bike, all your lights and hop on for some fun! You can also bring tour skates, skateboard or any other non-motorized vehicle. Friday Night Skate Amsterdam wil guide the tour. Light your Ride and sign up: Best pimped vehicle wins a Union glow bike!
Special acts (18:30 – 22:00): Slowbiking, live music, Bike Brothers, Unique Bike Riding, artist Kaspar Konig with his Tubular Light project, Light Safety Action by Fietsersbond Amsterdam and Rijmuseum
Light My Ride Initiator: Amsterdam Light Festival
Light My Ride Production:
Powered by: Spanninga and Union